Schweizer Haus Gaststättenbetriebs GmbH
Restaurant Rosarium
Hoppestr. 3a
93049 Regensburg
T +49 941 26885
F +49 941 21050
District Court of Regensburg HRB 6713
Tax number: 244/115/57711
Managing directors:
Schweizer Haus Gaststättenbetriebs GmbH
GF: Miho Schröppel
Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Miho Schröppel, Hoppestr. 3a, 93049 Regensburg
Conception and technical implementation of the Rosarium website:Huckleberryking Media GmbH
Photos of the rosarium: Gregor Wiebewww.huckleberryking.com
Wedding photos: by Alexandra Andreas
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